GraphQL vs REST API: A Comparative Analysis

Artem A. Semenov
13 min readMay 15, 2023


Welcome, curious minds, to a deep dive into one of the most riveting debates in the realm of application programming interfaces (APIs): GraphQL versus REST. In a world that is becoming increasingly data-driven, the significance of APIs in connecting various software components and facilitating seamless data exchange cannot be overstated. But the question remains — between GraphQL and REST, which one stands out as the more effective tool?

In this article, we will delve into the intricate details of both technologies, dissecting their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features. We’ll navigate through the maze of technicalities, unraveling the complexities in a digestible format, and provide real-world examples to help you better grasp the practical applications. With this knowledge in hand, you will be better equipped to determine which of these APIs aligns best with your needs and the specific requirements of your projects.

We’re setting off on an enlightening journey, a tech expedition of sorts, where we explore, compare, and understand two titans of the API world. Let’s buckle up and set the gears in motion!

The Fundamentals

Before we get into the throes of our comparison, it’s vital to understand the fundamental aspects of both GraphQL and REST.

GraphQL: The Query Language for Your API

Introduced by Facebook in 2012 and later open-sourced in 2015, GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. It allows the client to define the structure of the data needed, and the same structure of the data is returned from the server. This makes it a powerful tool for aggregating data from multiple sources.

One of the unique features of GraphQL is that it minimizes the amount of data transferred over the network by allowing the client to request exactly what it needs. This is particularly beneficial in mobile applications where conserving data and optimizing performance is a high priority.

Let’s consider a social networking site where we need to fetch a specific user’s details, their friends’ names, and the title of the blog posts written by the user. Here’s how a GraphQL query might look:

user(id: 123) {
friends {
posts {

In this query, we’re asking for specific fields related to a user (name, friends, posts). In response, we’ll get a JSON object that mirrors the query, containing only the requested data:

“data”: {
“user”: {
“name”: “John Doe”,
“friends”: [
“name”: “Jane Smith”
“name”: “Robert Johnson”
“posts”: [
“title”: “Introduction to GraphQL”
“title”: “Why I like GraphQL”

As you can see, GraphQL allows you to retrieve all related data in a single request, reducing the overhead and improving performance.

REST: The Architectural Style for Distributed Systems

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It uses HTTP requests to access and manipulate data. Introduced in the year 2000 by Roy Fielding, it’s become a popular choice for public APIs.

REST operates based on standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others. Each URL is called a request while the data sent back to your application is called a response.

In contrast, let’s take a look at how you would retrieve the same information using REST API. To get the user details, friends’ names, and blog post titles, you would have to make separate requests to different endpoints:

  1. Get user details:
GET /users/123

This would return the user’s details:

“id”: 123,
“name”: “John Doe”,

2. Get user’s friends:

GET /users/123/friends

This would return a list of the user’s friends:

“id”: 234,
“name”: “Jane Smith”
“id”: 345,
“name”: “Robert Johnson”

3. Get user’s posts:

GET /users/123/posts

This would return a list of the user’s posts:

“id”: 1,
“title”: “Introduction to GraphQL”
“id”: 2,
“title”: “Why I like GraphQL”

While REST is a well-understood standard, one of its downsides is that multiple requests have to be made to gather related data, which can affect application performance and user experience.

Understanding the basic premises of GraphQL and REST is essential as we venture further into our comparison. Each of these technologies carries its unique philosophy and approach to handling API requests, which in turn, influences how developers build and interact with web services.

Deep Dive into GraphQL

Having acquainted ourselves with the basics of GraphQL, let’s now delve deeper into its intricacies, its strengths, and its potential weak spots.

Understanding GraphQL

GraphQL, as the name suggests, is a query language for your APIs. Unlike REST, it doesn’t rely on HTTP methods to determine the action performed on the data. Instead, it’s all about sending a string (the query) from the client to the server. The server interprets the query, fetches the required data, and returns it in a structured format (usually JSON). The beauty of GraphQL is that the client has control over the shape and size of the response, leading to efficient data loading.

Key Features and Benefits of GraphQL

  1. Data Fetching with Precision: GraphQL’s most touted feature is its ability to fetch exactly what’s required, nothing more, nothing less. You can avoid over-fetching or under-fetching of data, common issues faced with REST APIs. This precise data fetching means your applications are efficient, performant, and conservative on network resources.
  2. Single Request-Response Cycle: With GraphQL, the client can request multiple resources in a single query, reducing the number of round trips between client and server. This feature significantly improves performance, especially for complex systems or slow network conditions.
  3. Strong Typing: GraphQL APIs are strongly typed. This means each query is checked against a schema defined on the server. The server knows the exact shape of the response at the moment it receives the query, ensuring data consistency and reducing runtime errors.
  4. Real-Time Updates with Subscriptions: GraphQL provides out-of-the-box support for real-time updates with subscriptions. Clients can subscribe to specific data changes on the server, allowing for real-time functionality in applications.

Practical Use Case

Let’s consider a streaming service platform, similar to Netflix. This platform has a broad range of data points such as user profiles, movie details, ratings, and reviews. Using GraphQL, the platform can create a user interface where each component queries only the data it needs.

For example, the “Recommended for You” section can query just the movie titles and thumbnails, while the movie detail page can send a separate query for more in-depth information like a synopsis, cast details, and reviews. This approach allows efficient data loading and a smoother user experience.

However, GraphQL isn’t without its shortcomings. It requires a certain learning curve, and for simple applications, its benefits might be overkill. Furthermore, implementing a GraphQL server can be complex due to the need for resolvers and type definitions. It also lacks in-built caching support, a feature that comes naturally with HTTP in REST APIs.

In the next section, we’ll dive into REST, scrutinizing it with the same rigor, preparing the stage for our comparative analysis.

Deep Dive into REST API

Now that we’ve ventured into the depths of GraphQL, it’s time we accord the same respect to the venerable REST API. This technology has been the backbone of web services for a good two decades, and for good reason.

Understanding REST

Representational State Transfer, or REST, is an architectural style used in web development. It relies on a stateless, client-server protocol — almost always HTTP. In REST, the “resource”, which can be any object, data, or service that can be accessed by the client, is identified by a URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier.

Key Features and Benefits of REST

  1. Simplicity and Scalability: REST uses standard HTTP methods, making it simple to understand and use. This simplicity, combined with its stateless nature, allows REST APIs to be highly scalable, servicing requests from a large number of clients.
  2. Uniform Interface: One of the key principles of REST is the uniform interface. This consistency makes REST APIs predictable and easy to use.
  3. Caching: Since REST is based on HTTP, it inherently supports caching. This means responses can be cached by clients, leading to reduced server load and faster response times.
  4. Interoperability: REST APIs can be used by any client that understands HTTP. This makes REST APIs extremely versatile and interoperable across various platforms and languages.

Practical Use Case

Let’s take the example of a simple e-commerce platform. The platform needs to handle operations like viewing a product, adding a product to the cart, updating the quantity of the product in the cart, and deleting the product from the cart. Each of these operations maps neatly onto the standard HTTP methods used in REST: GET for viewing, POST for adding, PUT for updating, and DELETE for removing.

However, REST has its fair share of challenges. These include over-fetching or under-fetching of data, multiple round trips to the server for fetching related data, and lack of real-time updates. Additionally, as an architectural style rather than a specification, there can be variability in how REST is implemented across different APIs.

Having explored both GraphQL and REST in detail, we’re now armed with the knowledge to pit them against each other. As we move into the comparison, remember, the objective isn’t to declare a winner, but to understand where each technology shines, and how to choose the right tool for your needs.

GraphQL vs REST: A Side-by-Side Comparison

After diving deep into both technologies, we’re at a juncture where we can place GraphQL and REST side by side, illuminating their respective strengths and shortcomings.

Data Fetching

In REST, the server determines the structure of the response data. This can lead to over-fetching or under-fetching issues. For instance, if an endpoint returns more data than necessary, it results in over-fetching. On the contrary, if the required data is spread across multiple endpoints, it results in under-fetching and necessitates multiple round-trips from the client to the server.

GraphQL, however, enables clients to specify exactly what data they need, which can lead to more efficient data loading. This is particularly useful for mobile clients operating under constrained network conditions.


REST APIs often require versioning (like v1, v2) when new features are added, leading to increased complexity over time. With GraphQL, this is less of an issue because clients can specify new data requirements in their queries, reducing the need for versioning.

Real-Time Updates

REST doesn’t natively support real-time updates. Typically, developers use websockets and other technologies to achieve real-time functionality. On the other hand, GraphQL has built-in support for subscriptions, making it easier to develop applications that require real-time updates.

Error Handling

With REST, you get HTTP status codes that provide immediate and standardized error handling. In GraphQL, error handling can be more complex because a 200 OK status code will be returned as long as the server is up, even if there are errors in the data.


Caching is a built-in feature of HTTP and hence comes naturally with REST APIs. With GraphQL, you would need to set up your own caching mechanisms or use tools like Apollo to handle caching.

Community and Ecosystem

REST has been around for a long time, and hence, it boasts a mature ecosystem and wide community support. GraphQL, while growing rapidly, still has some catching up to do in terms of tooling and community support.

Learning Curve

REST is easier to start with because it uses standard HTTP methods. GraphQL has a steeper learning curve due to its type system, query language, and resolvers.

While this comparison might make one seem superior to the other, it’s important to note that GraphQL and REST are tools with their own ideal use cases. The choice between the two should be made based on the specific requirements of your project, the complexity of your data, the need for real-time updates, and the skills of your development team. The goal isn’t to pick a winner, but to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, so you can make an informed choice for your specific context.

Case Studies

To truly understand the practical implications of choosing between GraphQL and REST, let’s look at two case studies — one from the world of social media giant, Facebook, and the other from a leading e-commerce platform, eBay.

Case Study 1: Facebook and GraphQL

Facebook, the creators of GraphQL, faced significant challenges with their mobile application. They needed a way to minimize data usage and reduce the number of network requests due to the constraints of mobile networks. Their data requirements were complex and dynamic due to the nature of their product.

Their solution? Developing GraphQL. With GraphQL, Facebook was able to allow clients to request exactly the data they needed, reducing unnecessary network usage. The type system ensured that the servers knew exactly what data to send, reducing the chances of over-fetching. The introduction of GraphQL revolutionized Facebook’s data fetching methods, leading to a more fluid user experience and efficient data usage.

Case Study 2: eBay and REST

eBay, one of the leading e-commerce platforms, uses RESTful APIs extensively. With operations that neatly map onto CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, REST was a natural choice. Each product, user, or order is a resource that can be operated upon with standard HTTP methods.

The simplicity of REST allowed eBay to scale rapidly, servicing requests from a multitude of different clients. The predictable, uniform interface of REST APIs made it easier for developers to integrate with eBay’s services. While eBay might face challenges with data over-fetching and under-fetching, the simplicity, scalability, and maturity of REST make it a suitable choice for their needs.

These case studies highlight that the choice between GraphQL and REST is highly dependent on the specific use case. Facebook’s complex, dynamic data requirements were a perfect match for GraphQL’s capabilities. In contrast, eBay’s operations, which mapped neatly onto HTTP methods, were well-suited to a RESTful approach. It’s not about one technology being universally better than the other, but rather, about choosing the right tool for the job.

The Verdict: GraphQL or REST?

As we come to the end of this comprehensive exploration, it’s time to address the burning question: should you choose GraphQL or REST for your next project?

The simple answer is that it depends on your project’s specific needs, the complexity of your data, and the skills of your development team. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to API design.

If your application has complex, hierarchical data structures and requires real-time updates and minimization of data transfer, GraphQL could be your best bet. It’s a powerful tool for precise data fetching and offers a robust type system.

On the other hand, if your application operations map neatly onto CRUD operations and you are looking for a simple, uniform, and scalable architecture, REST could be the way to go. It’s a tried-and-true technology with a mature ecosystem and extensive community support.

While the tech world often gets caught up in the “new vs old” or “this vs that” debates, the most effective solutions often involve a mix of different technologies, each chosen for their strengths in addressing specific problems.

In some cases, a hybrid approach might even be the best course of action. For instance, you could use REST for simple CRUD operations while leveraging GraphQL for more complex data requirements.

Both REST and GraphQL are powerful tools for building APIs, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The key is to understand your project’s specific needs and constraints, and make an informed choice based on those. The goal isn’t to choose between GraphQL and REST, but to create the most effective, efficient, and scalable solution for your project.

Future Perspectives

As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of web development, it’s clear that both GraphQL and REST will continue to play significant roles. The choice between these two will remain a key consideration for developers and businesses alike. However, the future of API design also promises new innovations and possibilities.

GraphQL’s Evolution

GraphQL is rapidly growing and its community is working hard to address some of its current limitations. Improvements in error handling, tooling, and support for file uploads are areas of active development. The adoption of GraphQL by major tech players like Facebook, Shopify, and GitHub is a testament to its potential, and will likely spur further innovation and adoption in the years to come.

REST’s Relevance

REST, despite being over two decades old, is not going anywhere. Its simplicity, scalability, and the vast amount of existing infrastructure make it a staple in web development. While newer technologies like GraphQL might challenge REST in some aspects, REST will continue to be a reliable and viable choice for many use cases.

Emergence of gRPC and Other Technologies

New technologies like gRPC, developed by Google, are also emerging as alternatives to REST and GraphQL. gRPC is based on Protocol Buffers and utilizes HTTP/2 for transport, which allows it to support features like bidirectional streaming. This technology, while not as mature as REST or GraphQL, showcases the continuous innovation in the field of API design.

The Rise of Hybrid Models

As mentioned earlier, hybrid models that leverage both REST and GraphQL are increasingly becoming a popular choice for complex applications. This trend is likely to continue, as it allows developers to use the best of both worlds based on the needs of their specific use cases.

The future is not about choosing one technology over another, but about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each, and using them in harmony to create the best possible solutions. Regardless of the technology you choose, the goal remains the same: building efficient, scalable, and robust web services that deliver value to users.


In the grand arena of API design, both GraphQL and REST hold their ground as robust contenders. Each brings its own set of advantages to the table, with GraphQL offering flexibility and precision, and REST providing simplicity and uniformity.

The choice between GraphQL and REST isn’t a matter of superiority but a decision based on individual project needs, data complexity, and team expertise. While GraphQL might be an excellent choice for applications that require complex, efficient data retrieval and real-time updates, REST continues to be a reliable option for applications that map neatly onto CRUD operations and benefit from a uniform, scalable architecture.

Case studies from Facebook and eBay further illustrate this point, demonstrating how each technology can be the right choice under different circumstances. As tech professionals, we must resist the allure of one-size-fits-all solutions and instead make informed decisions based on our unique project requirements.

Looking ahead, we can expect to see GraphQL continue to evolve and REST to maintain its relevance. New technologies like gRPC and hybrid models of API design will also play an increasingly significant role.

In the end, the future of API design is not about singling out one technology over another, but about finding the right balance and utilizing different technologies in harmony. As developers and decision-makers, our mission is to stay informed, adaptable, and focused on creating the most effective solutions, regardless of the specific technologies we employ.

Whether you’re team GraphQL, team REST, or team “whatever gets the job done efficiently,” remember that the ultimate aim is to deliver robust, scalable, and efficient web services that fulfill users’ needs and drive your business forward. Happy coding!



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